Large-Eddy Simulations #246 to 250: (Upwind)

LES RUN #246 - 250: All upwind simulations of 13 Jan 98 to compare effect of gradually increasing Albedo.
LES#246: NSLCON=12, effective albedo=0.48
LES#248: NSLCON=12, effective albedo=0.58
LES#249: NSLCON=12, effective albedo=0.68
LES#250: NSLCON=12, effective albedo=0.78
LES#247: NSLCON=9, effective albedo=0.85
All simulations have 40 x 40 x 69 domains, dx=dy=dz=15 m, Periodic lateral boundary conditions. Entire domain over snow-covered land. Arakawa & Lamb advection routine, VDKR=HDKR=0.05. Horizontally homogeneous initial condition according to observations. The initial temperature and dew-point profile was from the radiosonde and the initial wind speed and direction profiles were from linear fits to the data as shown in the first frame of the animation.
The following jpegs summarize the effect of changing the albedo on the evolution of the ML in our upwind simulations for all five simulations.

The following animations show the evolution of mean profiles (red lines) of wind speed, direction, temperature and dewpoint as well as vertical velocity on a east-west oriented vertical slice. (the thumbnails are the last frame of the animation.)
LES#246, Albedo=0.48 This animation is about 2-hours.

LES#248: Albedo=0.58 This animation is about 1-hour.

LES#249: Albedo=0.68 This animation is about 1-hour.

LES#250: Albedo=0.78 This animation is about 1-hour.

LES#247: Albedo=0.85 This animation is about 2-hours.

UW Lidar // Dec 23, 2000 //

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