function [eff_diameter_prime]=lidar_radar_eff_diameter(beta_a_backscat... ,radar_backscat,depol,beta_a,p180_ice,h20_depol_threshold); %[r_eff_prime]=lidar_radar_size(beta_a_backscat... % ,radar_backscat,depol,beta_a,p180_ice,h20_depol_threshold); %beta_a_backscat = lidar backscatter cross section, (1/(m sr) %radar_backscat = radar backscatter cross section, (1/(m sr) %depol = lidar measured depolarization, this can be either % linear or circular depolarization as long as % h20_depol_threshold is set for proper pol type. %beta_a = scattering cross section array array computed from measured od. %p180_ice = p(180)/4pi = ice crystal backscatter phase function % if p180_ice=[] (ie no number is supplied) beta_a computed from the measured % od will be used, otherwise beta_a will be set % equal to beta_a_backscat/p180_ice. This is useful % because the measured beta_a is sensitive % averaging lengths and times, with short averages % apt to have excessive noise and long averages apt % to mix regions of low and high scattering the % computed array can be replaced by a user supplied % constant value. It is recomended that this be based % on an independent analysis of the data to determine an % appropriate value for p(180)/4pi in ice regions % of the cloud. %h20_depol_threshold = depol < h20_depol_threshold indicates liquid water cloud %eff_diameter_prime = lidar-radar effective diameter (microns) % =(9*/(pi*))^.25 % where and refer to particle averages % as defined by Donovan and Lammeren JGR,v106, D21, % pp27425 % % Assumptions: % - cloud at a given data point is either all water or all ice % - when depolarization is < h20_depol_threshold, cloud is water % - backscatter phase function for water droplets, p(180)/4pi = 0.05 % - particles are large compared to the lidar wavelength such that % the optical scattering cross section is twice the % projected area of the particle. % - particles are small compared to the radar wavelength % - radar attenuation is negligible k_sq_water=0.93; %dielectric constant squared for water k_sq_ice= .176; %dielectric constant squared for ice lambda_radar=8.6e-3; %radar wavelength in meters. % set separate constants for water and ice regions. %user supplied p(180)/4pi for ice regions [nprofiles,nalts]=size(beta_a_backscat); if ~isempty(p180_ice) %user over ride of internal beta_a computation; beta_a=beta_a_backscat/p180_ice; %compute beta_a with constant p180 end %fixed value p(180)/4pi in water clouds. p180_array(depol< h20_depol_threshold)=.05; %dielectric constant k_sq_array=k_sq_ice*ones(size(beta_a_backscat)); k_sq_array(depol< h20_depol_threshold)=k_sq_water; radar_factor_array=3*lambda_radar^4./(64*pi^4*k_sq_array); %eff_diameter_prime is the fundamental size dependent quantity derived %from lidar and radar scattering cross sections. %/ = eff_diameter_prime^4 *pi/9 %see Donovan and van Lammeran, JGR, Vol 106 no D21, Nov 16, 2001. %for more on this definition which we state in terms of diameter rather %than raduis. In the special case of monodisperse spherical particles %the effective_diameter_prime is equal to the effective diameter. %In general, the converstion to effective diameter is a function of size %distribution parameters and ice crystal shape. beta_a_backscat(beta_a_backscat<=0)=nan; radar_backscat(radar_backscat<=0)=nan; eff_diameter_prime=2*((8*pi/3).*radar_factor_array.*radar_backscat... ./beta_a).^.25; %change units from meters to microns eff_diameter_prime=real(eff_diameter_prime)*1e6;