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Forest fire smoke, 28-->29-June-2004

AHSRL backscatter image of forest fire smoke obtained on June 28 and 29 of 2004.

ICE-sat overpass, 12-June-2004

AHSRL backscatter and depolarization images obtained during the 12-June-04 13:00 UTC ICESAT overpass of Madison, WI. ICE-sat was commanded to point directly at our laboratory to enable comparisons between the satellite lidar and the AHSRL. Dense stratus clouds with a base altitude of less than 100m covered our site during the overpass. Click on image to enlarge.

ICE-sat overpass, 18-mar-2004

AHSRL backscatter and depolarization images obtained during the 18-mar-04 09:05 UTC ICESAT overpass of Madison, WI. ICE-sat was commanded to point directly at our laboratory to enable comparisons between the satellite lidar and the AHSRL. Dense stratus clouds with ice crystal virga below covered our site during the overpass. Click on image to enlarge.

Backscatter cross section between 8:30 and 9:30 UT.
Optical depth profile averaged from 8:30 to 9:30 UT. Measured optical depth of OD=4 is at the penetration limit of the instrument.

ICE-sat overpass, 13-mar-2004

AHSRL backscatter and depolarization images obtained during the 13-mar-04 20:44 UTC ICESAT overpass of Madison, WI. ICE-sat was commanded to point directly at our laboratory to enable comparisons between the satellite lidar and the AHSRL. Dense stratus clouds covered our site during the overpass. Click on image to enlarge.

ICE-sat overpass, 13-mar-2004

Backscatter and depolarization for the two-hour period around the 13-Mar-04 ICESAT overpass of Madison, WI.

Backscatter and depolarization for the 4-minute period around the 13-Mar-04 ICESAT overpass of Madison, WI.

HSRL measured optical depth profile for the 4-minute period around the 13-Mar-04 ICESAT overpass of Madison, WI.

Sample data from 14-Jan-2004

An attenuated backscatter image observed with the combined channel of the AHSRL on 14-Jan-04. A well calibrated conventional lidar would produce an identical image. Notice how the cirrus cloud at 7km by is shadowed by 3.4km water cloud which appears at 6:10 UTC. Also notice the strong lidar return seen below the clouds as a result of the combined effect of aerosol and molecular scattering. Data gaps at 8 and 12 UTC occur during system calibrations. The calibration sequences will be shortened in the future. (click on image to enlarge)

The backscatter cross section image computed for the 14-Jan-04 data shown above. This image is absolutely calibrated and molecular scattering has been removed. Areas with insufficient signal for the HSRL inversion are indicated by black shadows; everywhere else attenuation has been removed. Notice the effect of attenuation correction on the appearance of 7km cirrus cloud and the increased contrast in aerosol layers due to the removal of the molecular scattering.

The circular depolarization image for the 14-Jan-04 case shown above. Water clouds produce little depolarizations and appear blue in this logrithmic display. Ice crystals produce large depolarizations allowing easy identification of both cirrus clouds and ice crystal virga which appear red in this image. An insturment bias is evident in regions of small backscatter cross section where the measured depolarizations are slightly too large(eg. in the boundary aerosol layer before 10 UTC). Laser light scattered inside of the instrument seems to be responsible. Corrective measures are underway.

The average backscatter cross section profiles measured between 6:15 and 7:15 UTC for the data shown above. The black profile is the Rayleigh scattering cross section computed from the radiosonde profile. The measured attenuated Rayleigh backscatter cross section is shown in blue and the measured particulate backscatter cross section is shown in red. Notice that even though the images do not show penetration through the upper level cirrus, these time averages have no trouble penetrating the upper cloud.

The optical depth profile measured between 6:15 and 7:15 UTC for the data shown above. Blue and red symbols show 150 m and 600 m vertical averages respectively. The water cloud at 3.8k m has an optical depth of 0.5 while the cirrus cloud with a base at 4.8 km has an optical depth of 2.1.

A 1 minute average optical depth profile measured in a denser portion of the cloud between 6:40 and 6:41 UTC for the data shown above. Blue and red symbols show 150 m and 600 m vertical averages respectively. The water cloud at 3.8k m has an optical depth of 0.3 while an optical depth of ~2.6 is measured in the cirrus cloud. Notice that even with this short time average, the measurement extends through the entire cirrus cloud. This is right at the limit for such a short time average. With longer averages, systematic errors and noise other than photon statistics produce a limit to optical depth measurements at ~4. Further system improvements may increase this limit slightly.

ICE-sat overpass, 13-Oct-2003

AHSRL backscatter and depolarization images obtained during the 13-Oct-03 14:09 UTC ICESAT overpass of Madison, WI. ICE-sat was commanded to point directly at our laboratory to enable comparisons between the satellite lidar and the AHSRL. A thin layer of alto-stratus clouds covered our site during the overpass.

Backscatter and depolarization for the two-hour period around the 13-Oct-03 ICESAT overpass of Madison, WI.
Backscatter and depolarization for the 20-minute period around the 13-Oct-03 ICESAT overpass of Madison, WI.

HSRL measured average profiles for the 20-minute period around the 13-Oct-03 ICESAT overpass of Madison, WI.

ICE-sat overpass, 08-Oct-2003

AHSRL backscatter and depolarization images obtained during the 9-Oct-03 1:45 UTC ICESAT overpass of Madison, WI. ICE-sat was commanded to point directly at our laboratory to enable comparisons between the satellite lidar and the AHSRL.


A MPEG 4 movie(5.6 mbyte) prepared by Igor Razenkov showing the ICE-sat overpass. The movie shows both the AHSRL beam and three pulses from the ICE-sat laser. A higher resolution copy of the movie(15 mbyte) You may need to increase the brightness via the video control on your viewing software in order to see the AHSRL beam clearly.

ICEsat image

ICEsat 1064 nm lidar image observed during the Oct 9th overpass of Madison, WI. The vertical red line is located over Madison. Notice that the altitude scale is offset because the lidar was pointed off-nadir to aim at Madison.

Cold front, 03-Sept-2003

Measurements of the backscatter cross section (upper panel) and depolarization (lower panel) are shown during a weak cold front passage (click on image for expanded view). Particulate and molecular backscattering have been sepearted; these images show only the particulate component. The leading edge of the front cold passed overhead at approximately 12:30 UTC. Water clouds are seen above the leading edge of the front (z=2.2 km around 12:30UTC) and at the top of the afternoon boundary layer (z~2km after 20:45 UTC). Water clouds can be identified by the presence of strong backscatter(red areas) with very small depolarizations (dark blue areas). The leading edge of the cold front (z~0.8 km after 12:30 UTC) is much cleaner than the surrounding air, Automatic system calibrations produce data gaps (vertical black strips). The frequency and durration of calibrations will be decreased as we gain more operation experience with this lidar.

Modis image of Wisconsin obtained between 16:32-16:45 UTC (click on image for expanded view). The clouds associated with the front (z~2.2 km around 12:30 UTC in the above picture) are now well south-east of Madison.

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