J. Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 16, 2, 251-262, 1999
A Methodology for Measuring Cirrus Cloud Visible-to-Infrared Spectral
Optical Depth Ratios
Daniel H. DeSlover and William L. Smith
Cooperative Institude for Meteorological Satellite Studies
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Wisconsin
Paivi K. Piironen and Edwin W. Eloranta
Space Science and Engineering Center
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin.
Knowledge of cirrus cloud
optical depths is necessary to understand the earth's current climate
and to model the radiation impact on future climate. Cirrus clouds,
depending on the ratio of their shortwave "visible" to longwave
"infrared" otical depth, can act to either cool or warm the planet. In
this study, visible-to-infrared cirrus cloud optical depth ratios were
meaured using ground-based lidar and Fourier transform spectrometry. A
radiosonde temperature profile combined with the 532 nm-high spectral
resolution lidar vertical cloud optical depth profile provided an
effective weighting to the cloud radiance measured by the
interferometer. This allowed evaluation of cirrus cloud optical depths
in 18 infrared atmospheric microwindows between water vapor absorption
lines within the 800-1200 1/cm infrared atmospheric window. The data
analysis was performed near the peak solar and terrestrial emission
regions, which represent the effective radiative cloud forcing
efficiency of the given cloud sample. Resuslts are also preented that
demonstrate the measurment of infrared optical depth using an assummed
uniform cloud extinction cross section, which requires generic lidar
cloud boundary data. The measured cloud extinction profile provided a
more robust solution that would allow analysis of multiple-layer
cloudsand removed the uniform cloud extinction cross-section
asssumption. Mie calculations for ice particles were used to genrate
visible and infrared extinction coeffiecients; these were compared
against the measured visible-to-infrared otical depth ratios. The
results demonstrate strong particle size and shape sensitivity across
the infrared atmospheric window.
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