Large-Eddy Simulation #215: (IBL)

LES RUN #215: A continuation of LES#212 but with VDKR=HDKR=0.1 instead of the 0.2. Also, two fixes: (1) the passive tracer (TR1P) on the west wall is set to the profile used in the original horizontally homogeneous initialization and (2) TKE is set to zero on the west wall. Before this fix sometimes these variables would get perturbed on the west (inflow) wall. Click here to see the NMSTASK file of LES #215.

The following is a horizontal slice through the bottom of the model domain (7.5 m above the surface) over the water only. The output has been folded over once in the north-south direction to help your eye follow coherent structures across the domain. This is an east-west subset of the model domain.

The following is an east-west vertical slice through the model domain.

The following is a horizontal slice through the bottom of the model. The entire area is shown.

UW Lidar // Oct 29, 2000 //

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