$START !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! The model outputs either analysis or history files ! which are identical in structure. The advantage ! of having the two options is that one can flip/flop ! on history writes (hot start option) where the ! file name written is alternately hfilout(1) or ! hfilout(2). This way , disk space doesnt accumulate ! beyond 2 files (1 if both names are the same) and ! there is always something recent to restart from if the computer ! crashes or the model perhaps exceeds CFL. At the same ! time as hot start hist files are made, ioutput=5 ! allows analysis files to be written less frquently, ! with unique names that allow long term stroage at a ! given frequency which may be longer than the history frequency. ! ! IFILSTR IOUTPUT ! 0--INITIAL START AT T=0. 0--No Output ! 1--START FROM HISTORY FILE 1--Permanent History Files ! 2--START FROM ANALYSIS FILE 2--Analysis Files ! 3--Hot-Start History Files ! 4--Permanent History and Analysis Files ! 5--Hot-Start History and Analysis Files !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HFILIN ='h1', ! input history/analysis file name IFILSTR=0, ! 0=Initial start; 1=Start from history file TIMSTR=0., ! Starting model time (s) of this run segment TIMMAX=7200., ! Ending model time (s) of this run segment IOUTPUT=5, ! History file output type (see above) ! Output file naming convention HFILOUT(1)='h1', ! History Filename Prefix HFILOUT(2)='h2', ! History Filename Prefix VISFIL='vba.', ! Visualization Filename Prefix GMETAFNM='g.bigassrun1j', ! Gmeta Filename Prefix ! plotting AFILOUT(1)='hist.', ! Analysis Filename Prefix HFUNITS='s',AFUNITS='s',VFUNITS='s',! history/analysis/vis filename time units FRQHIS = 30., FRQANL = 1800., ! history/anal file frequency ! Variable Initialization Files (varfil) !and their corresponding model times (vtime) ! TERRAIN DATA FILE INFORMATION INTERR = '/home/nms/assim/TERR.OPER', ! TERRAIN FILE NAME TOPOWLN= -180.00, TOPOSLT= 15., ! WEST LON, SOUTH LAT TERSPC = 0.16666666, ! GRID SPACING IN DEGREES ITERX=901,JTERY=421, ITOPOSM=2, ! number of 1-2-1 smoothers on topo ! SEA SFC DATA FILE INFORMATION INSST = '/home/nms/assim/SSTNH', ! TERRAIN FILE NAME SSTWLN= -180.00, SSTSLT= 1.0, ! WEST LON, SOUTH LAT SSTSPC = 1.0, ! GRID SPACING IN DEGREES ISSTX=360, ISSTY=90, C INITIAL=3, ! Initial fields - 1=horiz.homogeneous, ! 2=variable ! 3=horiz.-homo.-maintain-inflow. ! IPBLFIX=0, ! ATM T, RV adjustment over water ! DATSRC='NCEP.104','NCEP.104','NCEP.104','NCEP.104','NCEP.104', ! 'NCEP.104','NCEP.104','NCEP.104','NCEP.104', ! VTIME = 000000., 21600., 43200., 64800., ! 86400., 108000., 129600., 151200., ! 172800., ! VARFIL='eta12z00h', ! 'eta12z06h', ! 'eta12z12h', ! 'eta12z18h', ! 'eta12z24h', ! 'eta12z30h', ! 'eta12z36h', ! 'eta12z42h', ! 'eta12z48h', ! Output Frequencies FRQIPR = 300., FRQIST=10., ! Integral print and store FRQSND = 1000000., ! Frequency of STVJAS type sounding output FRQTRM = 1000000., ! Frequency of Term Analysis IVIS = 2, ! IVIS=0 for no visualizations ! =1 for visualizations old vis5d format ! =2 for new vis5d format INFPLFL = 0, ! 1=0n/0=off standard "fancy" plots on pressure I4PNL = 0, ! 1=0n/0=off standard "fancy" plots on pressure ICLMAP = 0, ! Flag to make a color map ! surfaces ! Other Output switches ICLNSTR= 1, ! 0 clean/1 verbose output INITFLD =1, ! switch to turn on (1) or off (0) plots of initial time ISUPCEL = 0, ! 0 for no supercell indx, >1 for supercell indx IGRBWRT = 0, ! 0 for no GRIB output, >1 for GRIB output IGRBMOHR=1, ! Flag for monnth/hour on grib FRQGRB = 21600., ! Frequency of GRIB output ! Time Differencing DTLONG=.50,! Long time step and ratio ! Simulation title (64 chars) EXPNME = 'LES195: IBL Simulation' $END ! ! This contains input file stuff common to all time periods ! $GRIDS NGRIDS = 1, ! Number of grids for run ! NNXP = 800, 54, 32, 26, ! Number of x gridpoints NNYP = 120, 54, 53, 26, ! Number of y gridpoints NNZP = 69, 32, 35, 23, ! Number of z gridpoints NNZG = 5, 5, 5, 5, ! Number of soil gridpoints ! NXTNEST = 1, 1, 2, 3, ! Grid number which is the next ! coarser grid ! ! ! ! ! Nest ratios between this grid ! ! ! and the next coarser grid. NSTRATX = 1, 2, 3, 2, ! x-direction NSTRATY = 1, 2, 3, 2, ! y-direction NSTRATZ = 1, 1, 1, 1, ! z-direction NNDTRAT = 1, 2, 3, 2, ! time NNRATIO= 10, 4, 4, 4, ! Ratio of small to large timestep NITOPBC = 0, 1, 1, 1, SSPCTN= 0., 0., 0., 0., ! Ratio of small to large timestep UMX = 30., 80., 80., 80., ! Max Hor Vel for checking timestep WMX = 10., 10., 10., 10., ! Max vert vel for checking timestep ! Numerical Filtering NFORDH= 4, 4, 4, 4, ! Order of hor filter (even number) NFORDV= 6, 6, 6, 6, ! Order of hor filter (even number) FILT4H= .10, .1, .0, .0, ! Fraction of maximum smoothing used FILT4V= .005, .01, .01, .01, ! Fraction of maximum smoothing used ! in vertical ! Turbulence Kinetic energy prediction NITKEFG = 0, 0, 0, 0, ! no TKE prediction=0, IDIFFKH = 1, 1, 1, 1, ! no TKE prediction=0, IDIFFKV = 1, 1, 1, 1, ! no TKE prediction=0, NITKEFG = 1, 0, 0, 0, ! no TKE prediction=0, IDIFFKH = 3, 1, 1, 1, ! no TKE prediction=0, IDIFFKV = 3, 1, 1, 1, ! no TKE prediction=0, ! Surface Layer parameterization NISFCL = 1, 1, 1, 1, ! 0-specified surface layer gradients ! ! 1-soil model (Tremback/Kessler) ! ! 2-soil model (McCumber/Mahrer/Pielke) ! FRQSFL= 1., 75., 25., ! Frequency (seconds) for soil calls ! on each grid ! Radiation parameterization NIRAD = 1, 1, 1, 2, ! Radiation flag, 0-off, 1-on 2-interp FRQRAD= 60.,3600.,3600., ! Frequency (seconds) for radiation ! Convection parameterization NNQPARM = 0, 4, 0, 1, ! convective parameterization flag ! Parameterization activated by ! including appropriate parameteriza- ! tion packet at compile time, however ! nnqparam=1 includes only two extra ! 3d variables (moisture and theta ! source) needed for Kuo, while ! nnqparam=2 includes a third variable ! for emanuel schemes, an nnqparam=3 ! includes a total of 4 needed for ! kain/fritsch (runnaverage w, two ! ice and rain tendencies) CONFRQ = 1800.,1800.,1800., ! Frequency of conv param. calls which CONFRQ = 900.,900.,180., ! Frequency of conv param. calls which ! should be close to timestep ! for emanuel, about 1800s for kain E2DTCRIT=-0.01,-0.01,-0.01,-.01, ! Assumed vertical motion of E2SIGMA=0.50,0.50,0.15,.05, ! Greatest fraction of domain which E1BETA=0.99,0.99,0.99, E1ALPHA=1.25,1.25,0.15,.05, ! Greatest fraction of domain which NE2CNPRT=0,0,0,0, ! Printout summarizing param activity NE2DADJ=0,0,1,1, ! Flag to turn on the dry adjustment ! updrafts can occupy CAPFCT = 0., 0.,1.,1., ! vertical motion needed ! at cloud base for convection ! to start--used only by kuo scheme ! Surface topography NETA = 1, 1, 1, 0, ! Flag to turn ETA coordinate on ! Chemistry and tracers to be added NIECFL = 0, 0, 0, 0, ! Elemental Carbon Tracer =0 NISO2FL = 0, 0, 0, 0, ! Sulfer Dioxide Tracer =0 NINO2FL = 0, 0, 0, 0, ! Nitrogen Dioxide Tracer =0 NIAGIFL = 0, 0, 0, 0, ! Silver Iodide Tracer =0 NIO3FL = 0, 0, 0, 0, ! Ozone Tracer =0 NITR1FL = 1, 0, 0, 0, ! Generic Tracer 1 =0 NITR2FL = 0, 0, 0, 0, ! Generic Tracer 2 =0 NITR3FL = 0, 0, 0, 0, ! Generic Tracer 3 =0 NITR4FL = 0, 0, 0, 0, ! Generic Tracer 4 =0 NITR5FL = 0, 0, 0, 0, ! Generic Tracer 5 =0 ! Microphysical setup NLEVEL = 2, 3, 3, 3, ! moisture complexity level ! ! 0-completely dry, ! ! 1-vapor passive tracer ! 2-supersaturation condensed ! 3-microphysics NIRCNFL = 2, 2, 2, 2, ! Microphysics flags NIPCNFL = 0, 0, 0, 2, !------------------- NISCNFL = 5, 5, 5, 5, ! where x= R - rain NIACNFL = 0, 0, 0, 0, ! P - pristine crystals NIGCNFL = 0, 0, 0, 2, ! S - snow ! ! A - aggregates RDISTPN =.037, .037, .037, .054, ! G - graupel PDISTPN = 0., 0., 0., 0., ! SDISTPN = .1, .1, .1, .1, ! NIxCNFL = 0 - no species ADISTPN = .33, .33, .33, .33, ! 1 - diagnostic concen. GDISTPN = .05, .05, .05, .05, ! 2 - ! Grid Positioning NKNEST = 1, 1, 1, 1, ! k-point (only loc) IMOVE = 0, 0, 0, 2, ! Flag to activate grid moving XLNNST1 = -87.7,-105.7,-105.7,-105.7,! Final location (m) YLTNST1 = 43.73, 46.40, 46.40, 46.40,! Final location (m) of y anchor point XLNNST2 = 0.0,-105.7,-105.7,-105.7,! Final location (m) YLTNST2 = 0.000, 46.40, 46.40, 46.40,! Final location (m) of y anchor point TFINISH = 0., 0., 0., 0., ! time nest reaches finish point ! Grid point on the next coarser ! nest where the lower southwest ! corner of this nest will start. $END $INDAT INHHPTYP=1, IFLG1=0, IFLG15=1, IFLG18=1, IFLG14=400, IFLG20=78, ISHANE1=0, ! 1=random wiggle for the Nieuwstadt ISHANE2=0, ! 1=random wiggle for Andren ISHANE3=1, ! 1=random wiggle for Andren ISHANE4=0, ! 1=write out the initial condition ISHANE5=0, ! 1=read in the initial condition ISHANE6=1, ! 1=read in beta.profile for hor. homo. TR1P initialization ! Debugging Options IDEBUG = 0 ! 0 - DONT print out debug print statements in vdv_tmh ! 1 - DO print out... ISYMT=0, ! Flag to turn on symmetry checking ISTPOFF=0, ! Flag to turn on all terms and execute model flow only IEXFG=1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, ! 6 is diffuse,8 is cuparm,9 is thpert,2 is windin 1,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, ! 13 is filt4,14 is corlos,15,16,17 are advection 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, ! leav on 1,7,21,35,41,45 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, NOMICRO=0, ! Flag to turn off micro tendencies ISTRMDN=1, ! Flag to turn on density weighting of streamfunctions ITRMFG =0, ! Flag to turn term anal on NTPNT =1, ! Number of term anal points ITPNT =1, ! Term i points JTPNT =1, ! Term j points KTPNT =1, ! Term k points NGPNT =1, ! Grid of point ! Description of Rotated Spherical Grid LATLON = 1, ! Flag that turns on spherical grid (instead ! of cartesian grid ELATORIG= 43.73, ! Latitude of Earth at origin of local spherical ! grid. ELONORIG=-87.70, ! Longitude of Earth at origin of local spherical ANGPOLE=0., ! Angle a line running from local origin to Earth's ! Pole makes with a true north-south line on Earth. ICENTFG=0, ! If =12 then define center using pot vort max ! rather than just press min for moving grid ! GRID SPACING ! Of outer grid (others are specified interger ! ratios of these values. "x lengths" are defined at the equator ! of the local spherical grid if used. DELTAX = 30.0, DELTAY = 30.0, ! X AND Y GRID SPACING DELTAZ = 30., ! Deltaz is vertical grid spacing at lowest ! level. The spacing is then stretched NCONSTDZ = 40, ! starting at point nconstdz at DZRAT = 1.20, ! the rate of DZRAT each vertical increment DZMAX = 250. , ! until a maximum spacing of dzmax is ! attained after which the spacing is held ! constant above.. ! If one wishes to customize the vertical ! spacing, one can set the "w" points, ! for "nzp" points, beginning with a surface ! value of "0. meters". To tell the model ! that the customized zz values are to be ! used, set DELTAZ=0. also !ZZ = 0.,10.,25.,40.,55.,70.,95.,110.,125.,140.,155.,170.,185.,200., ! 215.,230.,245.,260.,275.,290.,305.,320.,335.,350.,365.,380.,395., ! 410.,425.,440.,455.,470.,485.,500.,515.,530.,545.,560.,575.,590., ! 605.,620.,635.,650.,665.,680.,695.,710.,725.,740.,755.,770.,785.,800., ! 815.,830.,845.,860.,875.,890.,905.,920.,935.,950.,965.,980.,995.,1010.,1025., ! Flags to turn miscelaneous functions OFFSETX=-200000.0, ! Offset to determine centering of moving grid OFFSETY= 200000.0, ! Topography setup and smoothing NZSMTH = 1, ! Number of passes for topography smoother IZFLAT = 4, ! Width of flat margin around domain (in grid points) PSLDTDZ = 0.0067, ! Flag for lapse rate for eta psl reduction ! MEAN PRESSURE ! How to specify mean pressure( which ! is not unique because the model has a finite top IPMNFG = 1 , ! =1 Remove mean mass divergence in lateral B. C. IPMNTYP = 2, ! 0 - dont do anything, let it drift ! 1 outer domain mean surface pressure held constant ! 2 outer domain mean surface pressure form ! external variable init outer model, ie thbal ! Computation of Cape for printed output PARMIX = 0., ! Ratio of mixing of parcel with environment ! per 1000m of ascent when saturated. Does not ! mix when unsaturated. (to mimic TKE effect). ! Formerly pert20 [Steve] IWPARMIX = 0, ! Saturated if 1, Dry if 0. Formerly [Steve] !ARTIFICIAL PERTURBATIONS ! for ! Horizontally homogeneous initializations ! 1. "Warm Bubble" ITHERMAL = 0, ! Prescribed initial thermal ! 1 - - BUBFRC ! 2 - - DWNFRC ! 3 - - BAKFRC ! 4 - - BAKFRC1 ! 5 - - THFRC ! 2. "Witch of Agnesi Mountain" HGTMTN = 0., ! Height for Witch of Agnese Mountain HFWLMTN = 10000., ! Left side half width for Witch of Agnese Mountain HFWRMTN = 10000., ! Right side half-width for Witch of Agnese Mountain GNDMTN = 50000., ! Distance in X where mountain hits the ground ! 3. Topography spin up TIMSCL = 0., ! Initial wind spin-up - time scale KSPIN = 33, ! - below this level (velocity) KMSPIN = 10, ! - below this level (momentum) ! Lateral and Upper Boundary Conditions IBND = 4, ! Lateral boundary condition flags JBND = 4, ! 1-Klemp/Wilhelmson, 2-Klemp/Lilly, 3-Orlanski ! 4-cyclic, 0-Hack/Schubert normal mode ! =0 Do Not remove mean momentum divergence across LBC TAUTRND = 360., CPHAS = 8., ! Phase speed if IBND or JBND = 1 LSFLG = 2, ! Large-scale gradient flag for variables other than ! normal velocity: ! 0 = zero gradient inflow and outflow ! 1 = zero gradient inflow, radiative b.c. outflow ! 2 = constant inflow, radiative b.c. outflow NFPT = 8 , ! Rayleigh friction - number of points from the top DISTIM = 10., ! - dissipation time scale NFPTH = 60 , ! Rayleigh friction in horizontal for var init bc. DISTIMH = 10., ! Dissipation time scale in horizontal NRFEXP = 1 , ! Power of ramping function for horizontal dis (c=r**i10) ! Miscellaneous Physics settings ICORFLG= 1, ! Coriolis flag/2D v-component - 0 = off ! 1 = f plane ! 2 = var f OMEGA = 7.292E-5, ! Rotation rate of earth for Coriolis param IPRSPLT = 0, ! precipitation time-split scheme - 0=off, 1=on IADVH = 2, ! Order of horizontal advection - Leapfrog - 2 or 4 IADVV = 2, ! " " vertical " - Forward - 2 or 6 ! Grid Independent Microphysics constants CCN= 1000., ! CCN concentration AMI0=1.5E-6, ! Crystal mass THOMO = 10.0, ! homogeneous nucleation temperature ! Grid Independent RADIATION PARAMETERS ISWRTYP = 1, ! Shortwave radiation type 0-Mahrer/Pielke, 1-Chen ILWRTYP = 1, ! Longwave radiation type 0-Mahrer/Pielke, 1-Chen RADFRQ = 1800., ! Frequency of radiation tendency update in seconds STRTIM =13.50, ! Local solar time of TIME = 0. IRADL=2, ! Longwave Raidation type (Cotton 1,Pannegrosi 2) IRADS=2, ! Shortwave Raidation type (Cotton 1,Pannegrosi 2) ! IF LONRAD=1, STRTIM is GMT LONRAD = 1, ! Longitudinal variation of shortwave (0-no, 1-yes) ! if 0, STRTIM is local time of X(1) IMONTH1 = 1, ! Month (if no variable init) IDATE1 = 10, ! Date (if no variable init) IYEAR1 = 98, ! Year (if no variable init) ! Grid Independent Cumulus parameterization parameters CPTIME=0., ! Time after which cumulus parameterization is activated ! Should be zero except for kuo ! Surface layer ZIINIT = 0., ! Initial PBL height fo O'brien K USTMIN = .01, ! Minimum U_* in surface layer parameterization UBMIN = 1.0, ! Minimum U value to use in computing U_* IWF=1 ! flag to turn on the w flux at top of PBL MICROLYR=0, ! 1:Stull Microlayer,2: Pielke Micro Layer, ZMU= 0.001, ! depth of micro layer ISTARS = 2, ! surface layer param. 1-Businger, 2-Louis 3-Bulk ISRCALB = 0, ! Flag for souce of albedo - 0 = RAMSIN, 1 = var input ALBEDO = 0.18, ! constant albedo when not running soil model ISRCZ0 = 0, ! Flag for souce of albedo - 0 = RAMSIN, 1 = var input ZROUGH = 0.2, ! constant roughness if for all domain PERT20=0., ISOILOUT=0, ! Flag to output soil ! SOIL MODEL PCTLCON = 0., ! constant land percentage if for all domain NSLCON = 12, ! constant soil type if for all domain SEATMP = 279.0, ! constant water surface temperature DTSLMN = .25, ! Soil timestep ISOILM = 1, ! soil moisture model flag 0-temp only, 1-temp+moist. DTHCON = 0., ! constant surface layer temp gradient for no soil DRTCON = 0., ! constant surface layer moist gradient for no soil SOILDZ = 0., ! soil model grid spacing ISFCINIT = 1, ! Flag for how to initialize soil temp/moisture ! 1 - Tremback method of temp=air-4,moisture=sfc relhum ! 2 - New method of tempsfc=air+tsadd, ! tempdeep=tdeepc,, ! relhum=slz ! 3 - New method of tempsfc=air+tsadd, ! tempdeep=sst(i,j) from NMC data, ! relhum=slz TSADD = 0., ! Value in celsius of temp added to air temp to get ! surface soil temp TDEEPC = 20., ! Deep Soil temperature in Celsuis DRYLAT = 55.0, ! Latitude above which we assume soil is dry !(for emulating ! non-active vegitation. Top soil moisture is set to ! slmnorth north of this, and linearly decreased ! from normal value in the translat degrees south of this. TRANSLAT = 5., ! Delta latitude in which we decrease from slmstr ! (NZS) to drylat SLMNORTH = .30, ! Soil RH to be applied to top soil level above drylat ISNOWSRC = 0, ! Flag to use latitude (0) or grided data (1) ! to determine snow cover PERT3=4.e-3, ! to determine snow cover SLTFRZ=62.0, ! Latitude north of which soil is frozen SLTSNW=72.5, ! Latitude north of which soil is snowcovered ! (isnowsrc=1) SLMSTR = 0.60,0.56,0.48,0.41,0.36, ! initial soil moisture SLMSTR = 0.50,0.44,0.41,0.38,0.32, ! initial soil moisture SLMSTR = 0.69,0.60,0.52,0.48,0.42, ! initial soil moisture SLMSTR = 0.48,0.42,0.39,0.37,0.35, ! initial soil moisture SLMSTR = 0.60,0.56,0.48,0.41,0.36, ! initial soil moisture SLMSTR = 0.50,0.47,0.44,0.41,0.36, ! initial soil moisture SLMSTR = 0.64,0.60,0.52,0.48,0.42, ! initial soil moisture SLZ = -.32,-.16,-.04,-.01,0.0, ! Eddy diffusion coefficient parameters ! TURBULENCE SCHEME IWDIFFK = 0, ! 0=K computed at thermo point, 1=at w point IVSCALE = 1, ! Vertical scale length ! 1 - delta z ! 2 - sqrt(delta z**2 + delta x**2 + delta y**2) ! 3 - (delta z * delta x * delta y) ** 1/3 ! 4 - "old RAMS" dependent on Richardson number ! 5 - Deardorff (.76*sqrt(E/EN)) if stable; 3 if unst. ! 6 - Deardorff (.76*sqrt(E/EN)) if stable; 1 if unst. IHSCALE = 1, ! Horizontal scale length ! 1 - use vertical scale length ! 2 - sqrt(delta x**2 + delta y**2) ! 3 - sqrt(delta x * delta y) IVDEF = 1, ! Use of deformation in vert/horiz K IHDEF = 1, ! 0 - no ! 1 - use vertical and horizontal parts ! 2 - use vertical parts only ! 3 - use horizontal parts only IVEN = 1, ! Use of Brunt-Vaisalla frequency in vert/horiz K IHEN = 1, ! 0 - no ! 1 - yes (only when unstable) IWETEN = 1, ! 0 - Don't use / 1 - Use : moist Brunt Vaisalla freqency VDKR=0.10, ! Adjustable parameter, deformation vert. K's coefficient HDKR = 0.10, ! Adjustable parameter, deformation horiz. K's coefficient XKHKM=3., XKHKM=0., AKMIN = 0.005, ! Ratio of minimum horizontal eddy viscosity coefficient AKMIN = 0.05, ! Ratio of minimum horizontal eddy viscosity coefficient AKMIN = 0.00, ! Ratio of minimum horizontal eddy viscosity coefficient IRAMP=0, ! Flag to set "ramp" distance for ramping up mix coef ! horizontal scale lengths as lateral grid !boundary approached. ! 4-6 order Filter Setup ISM4H=0, ! Horiz tracer 4th ord diff flag - 0=on, 1=off ISM4V=0, ! VERT tracer 4th ord diff flag - 0=on, 1=off ISMDEN=1, ! Filter with 1d base state density or evolving density I4BAL=0, ! Filter velocity against outer grid solution? $END $SOUND ! SOUNDING SPECIFICATION ! (ONLY USED for HORIZONTALLY HOMOGENOUS INITIALIZATION) SNDLON=-87.70 ,SNDLAT=43.73, !I,J LOCATION OF POINT WHICH SOUNDING IS ITMPFL=0 ,!TEMPERATURE FORM(0-C, 1-K) IRH0FL=0 ,!HUMID FORM(0-DP C, 1 DP K, 2 RT G/KG, 3 RH % IWSRC=-1 ,!INITIAL WIND SRC (< OR = 0 -SNDG, 1-PROFILE) KMEAN1=0 ,!BASE LVL FOR UMEAN CALC OR UMEAN IF IWSRC < 0 KMEAN2=0 ,!BASE LVL FOR VMEAN CALC OR VMEAN IF IWSRC < 0 IUVFLG=0 ,!WIND FORM (1 - DIR,SPD 0 - U,V ) ! Below the $ END is formatted input of the horizontally ! homogeneous sounding (5f10.0 format, ! p(mb) t(c) td(c) dir spd (m/s) $END 988.70 -18.00 -22.40 24.01 -15.53 0.00 7.00 4.10 986.80 -13.90 -20.00 24.01 -15.53 0.00 3.80 3.50 985.10 -15.80 -22.90 24.01 -15.53 0.00 5.40 2.50 978.30 -18.00 -24.50 23.77 -15.36 0.00 7.00 1.50 971.10 -18.50 -24.10 23.41 -15.11 0.00 12.10 2.20 966.90 -18.80 -24.00 23.48 -14.91 0.00 15.80 2.70 960.50 -19.20 -24.20 23.74 -14.57 0.00 14.00 1.60 952.90 -19.70 -24.40 23.72 -14.20 0.00 12.50 3.80 945.70 -20.30 -24.60 23.43 -13.89 0.00 12.80 2.90 938.30 -20.80 -24.80 23.10 -13.69 0.00 13.90 3.50 930.20 -21.40 -25.00 22.74 -13.57 0.00 15.80 3.10 923.20 -21.80 -25.20 22.43 -13.63 0.00 16.50 2.40 911.50 -22.60 -25.60 21.41 -13.86 0.00 17.90 1.80 907.00 -23.00 -25.80 20.92 -13.98 0.00 18.60 2.10 901.70 -23.30 -25.90 21.81 -13.50 0.00 17.60 -2.30 896.20 -23.70 -26.10 22.74 -13.00 0.00 20.50 2.30 891.70 -24.10 -26.10 23.40 -12.58 0.00 21.50 3.20 885.60 -24.40 -26.40 24.15 -11.99 0.00 20.80 1.40 880.00 -24.60 -26.60 24.53 -11.55 0.00 20.40 -0.70 875.10 -24.90 -26.90 24.36 -11.34 0.00 20.40 -3.40 868.70 -25.10 -27.20 24.33 -11.03 0.00 20.60 -4.10 864.20 -25.20 -27.80 24.85 -10.71 0.00 20.70 -4.30 859.30 -25.00 -28.30 25.43 -10.36 0.00 21.30 -4.70 854.10 -23.40 -27.60 25.68 -9.96 0.00 21.10 -5.00 851.00 -22.20 -27.20 25.82 -9.72 0.00 21.20 -5.30 846.20 -21.70 -27.40 26.03 -9.35 0.00 23.50 -3.90 841.90 -21.40 -27.50 26.19 -8.99 0.00 24.20 -3.80 837.60 -21.30 -27.70 26.34 -8.63 0.00 24.60 -3.30 833.70 -20.70 -27.30 26.48 -8.30 0.00 24.90 -2.90 828.90 -19.40 -26.70 26.59 -7.93 0.00 25.40 -2.90 825.20 -18.30 -26.70 26.65 -7.65 0.00 25.50 -3.10 819.90 -17.70 -26.90 26.74 -7.26 0.00 26.20 -2.80 816.20 -17.20 -25.50 26.79 -7.00 0.00 26.40 -2.80 813.00 -16.80 -25.00 26.81 -6.86 0.00 26.70 -2.30 809.10 -16.50 -24.70 26.82 -6.69 0.00 26.30 -1.90 805.90 -16.30 -24.80 26.83 -6.55 0.00 25.90 -2.00 802.40 -15.90 -24.60 26.85 -6.39 0.00 25.90 -1.90 798.90 -15.40 -24.80 26.86 -6.24 0.00 26.20 -2.10 794.80 -15.30 -25.10 26.84 -6.17 0.00 27.10 -2.30 791.60 -15.00 -25.00 26.82 -6.13 0.00 32.00 -8.20 787.80 -14.60 -25.10 26.80 -6.07 0.00 32.30 -8.50 784.50 -14.20 -25.30 26.78 -6.02 0.00 27.50 -4.50 780.00 -14.20 -25.50 26.76 -5.95 0.00 23.10 0.80 776.00 -14.10 -25.60 26.80 -5.99 0.00 22.10 3.00 771.40 -13.70 -25.70 26.88 -6.08 0.00 28.30 -3.80 766.50 -13.60 -26.20 26.96 -6.18 0.00 28.90 -3.30 762.50 -13.70 -26.50 27.03 -6.26 0.00 29.40 -1.40 758.40 -13.90 -26.90 27.10 -6.34 0.00 30.00 -1.20 754.00 -14.00 -27.20 27.17 -6.52 0.00 30.30 -0.80 750.10 -14.20 -27.50 27.24 -6.71 0.00 30.20 -0.30 746.30 -14.40 -27.80 27.30 -6.90 0.00 30.80 -0.50 741.40 -14.60 -28.10 27.38 -7.14 0.00 31.40 -0.80 737.70 -14.70 -28.40 27.44 -7.33 0.00 33.40 -2.30 733.20 -14.90 -28.80 27.52 -7.55 0.00 31.10 1.20 729.90 -15.10 -26.30 27.57 -7.70 0.00 31.10 1.50 722.00 -15.40 -30.30 27.70 -8.04 0.00 31.80 2.20 718.60 -15.60 -30.80 27.75 -8.18 0.00 32.10 2.10 714.90 -15.80 -31.20 27.81 -8.34 0.00 32.00 1.60 711.90 -16.00 -31.70 27.85 -8.47 0.00 31.80 1.10 708.70 -16.20 -31.90 27.90 -8.60 0.00 32.00 1.20 706.00 -16.40 -31.90 27.94 -8.72 0.00 32.00 1.40 702.50 -16.60 -31.90 28.02 -8.78 0.00 31.90 1.40 700.00 -16.80 -32.20 28.08 -8.80 0.00 31.80 1.40 696.10 -17.10 -32.40 28.17 -8.83 0.00 31.60 1.50 693.50 -17.40 -32.50 28.23 -8.85 0.00 31.10 1.30 690.30 -17.60 -32.60 28.31 -8.88 0.00 30.80 1.10 687.30 -17.90 -32.90 28.38 -8.90 0.00 30.60 1.00 683.90 -18.20 -33.10 28.46 -8.93 0.00 30.50 1.00 500.90 -18.20 -33.10 28.46 -8.93 0.00 30.50 1.00 400.90 -18.20 -33.10 28.46 -8.93 0.00 30.50 1.00 300.90 -18.20 -33.10 28.46 -8.93 0.00 30.50 1.00 $PRNT ! SOUNDING OUTPUT ! Sounding points to be saved for later analysis ISNDPT(1)=0, ISNDPT(2)=0, ISNDPT(3)=0, ISNDPLT(1,1)=0, JSNDPLT(1,1)=0, ISNDPLT(1,2)=0, JSNDPLT(1,2)=0, ISNDPLT(1,3)=0, JSNDPLT(1,3)=0, ! 4 PANEL CONTROL FRQ4PNL = 7200.,7200.,3600.,Frequency of 4 panel outputs FRQ4PL( 1,1)=3600. , !I4SFTYP( 1,1)=0, !'SFC1' FRQ4PL( 2,1)=21600., I4SFTYP( 2,1)=0, !'8501' FRQ4PL( 3,1)=21600., I4SFTYP( 3,1)=0, !'7001' FRQ4PL( 4,1)=21600., !I4SFTYP( 4,1)=0, !'5001' FRQ4PL( 5,1)=21600., I4SFTYP( 5,1)=0, !'2501' FRQ4PL( 6,1)=21600., I4SFTYP( 6,1)=0, !'TMX1' FRQ4PL( 7,1)=21600., I4SFTYP( 7,1)=0, !'TMN1' FRQ4PL( 8,1)=21600.,,!I4SFTYP( 8,1)=0, !'AP1A' FRQ4PL( 9,1)=21600.,,!I4SFTYP( 9,1)=0, !'AP1B' FRQ4PL(10,1)=21600., I4SFTYP(10,1)=0, !'CPLI' FRQ4PL(11,1)=21600., !I4SFTYP(11,1)=0, !'SSCP' FRQ4PL(12,1)=21600., I4SFTYP(12,1)=0, !'RIHL' FRQ4PL(13,1)=21600., I4SFTYP(13,1)=0, !'ISTB' FRQ4PL(14,1)=21600., I4SFTYP(14,1)=0, !'LLJ1' FRQ4PL(15,1)=21600., !I4SFTYP(15,1)=0, !'SRH1' FRQ4PL(16,1)=21600., I4SFTYP(16,1)=0, !'STE1' FRQ4PL(17,1)=21600., I4SFTYP(17,1)=0, !'THK1' FRQ4PL(18,1)=21600., I4SFTYP(18,1)=0, !'TRP1' FRQ4PL(19,1)=172800., I4SFTYP(19,1)=0, !'SSK1' FRQ4PL(20,1)=21600., I4SFTYP(20,1)=0, !'7MV1' FRQ4PL(21,1)=21600., I4SFTYP(21,1)=0, !'TEP1' FRQ4PL(22,1)=21600., I4SFTYP(22,1)=0, !'THP1' FRQ4PL(23,1)=21600., I4SFTYP(23,1)=0, !'SKN1' FRQ4PL(24,1)=21600., !I4SFTYP(24,1)=0, !'5DF1' FRQ4PL(25,1)=21600., I4SFTYP(25,1)=0, !'SDF1' FRQ4PL(26,1)=21600., I4SFTYP(26,1)=0, !'LASA' FRQ4PL(27,1)=21600., I4SFTYP(27,1)=0, !'LASB' FRQ4PL(28,1)=21600. , I4SFTYP(28,1)=0, !'SNFL' FRQ4PL(29,1)=21600. , I4SFTYP(29,1)=0, !'AP2A' FRQ4PL(30,1)=21600. , I4SFTYP(30,1)=0, !'AP2B' FRQ4PL(31,1)=21600., I4SFTYP(31,1)=0, !'T951' FRQ4PL(32,1)=21600., I4SFTYP(32,1)=0, !'T901' FRQ4PL(33,1)=21600., I4SFTYP(33,1)=0, !'T851' FRQ4PL(34,1)=21600., I4SFTYP(34,1)=0, !'T001' FRQ4PL(35,1)=21600., I4SFTYP(35,1)=0, !'T051' FRQ4PL(36,1)=21600., I4SFTYP(36,1)=0, !'CACP' FRQ4PL(37,1)=21600., I4SFTYP(37,1)=0, !'BCAL' FRQ4PL(38,1)=21600., I4SFTYP(38,1)=0, !'CAP1' FRQ4PL(39,1)=21600., I4SFTYP(39,1)=0, !'7PV2' FRQ4PL(40,1)=21600., I4SFTYP(40,1)=0, !'7MV2' FRQ4PL(41,1)=21600., I4SFTYP(41,1)=0, !'LASA' FRQ4PL(42,1)=21600., I4SFTYP(42,1)=0, !'LLJ2' FRQ4PL(43,1)=21600., I4SFTYP(43,1)=0, !'LLJ3' FRQ4PL(44,1)=21600., I4SFTYP(44,1)=0, !'LLJ4' FRQ4PL(45,1)=21600., I4SFTYP(45,1)=0, !'EML1' FRQ4PL(46,1)=21600., I4SFTYP(46,1)=0, !'LASI' FRQ4PL(47,1)=21600., I4SFTYP(47,1)=0, !'TKE1' FRQ4PL(48,1)=21600., I4SFTYP(48,1)=0, !'CNV1' FRQ4PL( 1,2)=7200., !I4SFTYP( 1,2)=0, !'SF3A' FRQ4PL( 2,2)=21600., I4SFTYP( 2,2)=0, !'8503' FRQ4PL( 3,2)=21600., I4SFTYP( 3,2)=0, !'7003' FRQ4PL( 4,2)=21600., I4SFTYP( 4,2)=0, !'5003' FRQ4PL( 5,2)=21600., I4SFTYP( 5,2)=0, !'TMX3' FRQ4PL( 6,2)=21600., I4SFTYP( 6,2)=0, !'TMN3' FRQ4PL( 7,2)=21600., I4SFTYP( 7,2)=0, !'AP3A' FRQ4PL( 8,2)=21600., I4SFTYP( 8,2)=0, !'AP3B' FRQ4PL( 9,2)=21600., I4SFTYP( 9,2)=0, !'CPLI' FRQ4PL(10,2)=21600., !I4SFTYP(10,2)=0, !'SSCP' FRQ4PL(11,2)=21600., I4SFTYP(11,2)=0, !'RIHL' FRQ4PL(12,2)=21600., I4SFTYP(12,2)=0, !'LLJ3' FRQ4PL(13,2)=21600., I4SFTYP(13,2)=0, !'LJ53' FRQ4PL(14,2)=21600., I4SFTYP(14,2)=0, !'SRH3' FRQ4PL(15,2)=3600. , I4SFTYP(15,2)=0, !'SFWT' FRQ4PL(16,2)=21600., I4SFTYP(16,2)=0, !'7PV3' FRQ4PL(17,2)=21600., I4SFTYP(17,2)=0, !'7MV3' FRQ4PL(18,2)=3600., I4SFTYP(18,2)=0, !'SFWC' FRQ4PL(19,2)=21600., I4SFTYP(19,2)=0, !'THP1' FRQ4PL(20,2)=21600., I4SFTYP(20,2)=0, !'SKN3' FRQ4PL(21,2)=21600., I4SFTYP(21,2)=0, !'SSMX' FRQ4PL(22,2)=21600., I4SFTYP(22,2)=0, !'SSK2' FRQ4PL(23,2)=21600., I4SFTYP(23,2)=0, !'SNFL' FRQ4PL(24,2)=21600., I4SFTYP(24,2)=0, !'AP2A' FRQ4PL(25,2)=21600., I4SFTYP(25,2)=0, !'AP2B' FRQ4PL(26,2)=21600., I4SFTYP(26,2)=0, !'T851' FRQ4PL(27,2)=21600., I4SFTYP(27,2)=0, !'T901' FRQ4PL(28,2)=21600., I4SFTYP(28,2)=0, !'T951' FRQ4PL(29,2)=21600., I4SFTYP(29,2)=0, !'T001' FRQ4PL(30,2)=21600., I4SFTYP(30,2)=0, !'T051' FRQ4PL(31,2)=21600., I4SFTYP(31,2)=0, !'LLJ3' FRQ4PL(32,2)=21600., I4SFTYP(32,2)=0, !'LLJ4' FRQ4PL(33,2)=21600., I4SFTYP(33,2)=0, !'LLJ5' FRQ4PL(34,2)=21600., I4SFTYP(34,2)=0, !'CAP1' FRQ4PL(35,2)=21600., I4SFTYP(35,2)=0, !'EML1' FRQ4PL(36,2)=21600., I4SFTYP(36,2)=0, !'TKE1' FRQ4PL(37,2)=21600., I4SFTYP(37,2)=0, !'CNV1' FRQ4PL( 1,3)=3600., !I4SFTYP( 1,3)=0, !'SF4A' FRQ4PL( 2,3)=21600., !I4SFTYP( 2,3)=0, !'SF4B' FRQ4PL( 3,3)=21600., !I4SFTYP( 3,3)=0, !'SF4C' FRQ4PL( 4,3)=21600., !I4SFTYP( 4,3)=0, !'SF4D' FRQ4PL( 5,3)=3600., I4SFTYP( 5,3)=0, !'SF4E' FRQ4PL( 6,3)=10800., I4SFTYP( 6,3)=0, !'SF4F' FRQ4PL( 7,3)=10800., I4SFTYP( 7,3)=0, !'SF4G' FRQ4PL( 8,3)=21600., I4SFTYP( 8,3)=0, !'SF4H' FRQ4PL( 9,3)=21600., I4SFTYP( 9,3)=0, !'SF4I' FRQ4PL(10,3)=21600., I4SFTYP(10,3)=0, !'SF4J' FRQ4PL(11,3)=21600., I4SFTYP(11,3)=0, !'SF4K' FRQ4PL(12,3)=21600., I4SFTYP(12,3)=0, !'SF4L' FRQ4PL(13,3)=21600., I4SFTYP(13,3)=0, !'SF4M' FRQ4PL(14,3)=21600., I4SFTYP(14,3)=0, !'SF4N' FRQ4PL(15,3)=21600., I4SFTYP(15,3)=0, !'SF4O' FRQ4PL(16,3)=21600., I4SFTYP(16,3)=0, !'SF4P' FRQ4PL(17,3)=21600., I4SFTYP(17,3)=0, !'SF3A' FRQ4PL(18,3)=21600., I4SFTYP(18,3)=0, !'8503' FRQ4PL(19,3)=3600., I4SFTYP(19,3)=0, !'TKE1' FRQ4PL(20,3)=3600., I4SFTYP(20,3)=0, !'SRH1' FRQ4PL(21,3)=21600, I4SFTYP(21,3)=0, !'LLJ1' FRQ4PL(22,3)=21600., I4SFTYP(22,3)=0, !'LLJ2' FRQ4PL(23,3)=21600., I4SFTYP(23,3)=0, !'LLJ3' FRQ4PL(24,3)=21600., I4SFTYP(24,3)=0, !'LLJ4' FRQ4PL(25,3)=21600., I4SFTYP(25,3)=0, !'SSK2' FRQ4PL(26,3)=21600., I4SFTYP(26,3)=0, !'AP3A' FRQ4PL(27,3)=21600., I4SFTYP(27,3)=0, !'AP3B' FRQ4PL(28,3)=21600., I4SFTYP(28,3)=0, !'AP2A' FRQ4PL(29,3)=21600., I4SFTYP(29,3)=0, !'AP2B' FRQ4PL(30,3)=21600., I4SFTYP(30,3)=0, !'CPLI' !STANDARD PLOTTED OUTPUT ! Specifies the fields to be printed during the simulation ! YOU MUST SPECIFY SEPARATE PARAMETERS FOR EACH GRID ! THIS FILE SET UP FOR 3 GRID SYSTEM !Available parameters: ! NPLT(MAXGRDS): Number of different fields to plot ! FRQPRT(maxgrds): Frequency at which plots are made ! IPLFLD(50,MAXGRDS): Name of Field to be ploted (a8) (see list) ! IXSCTN(50,MAXGRDS): Cross section of plots (x/z:1, y/z:2, x/y:3) ! IPLVECT(50,MAXGRDS): Vector frequency (0-no vectors, 1-every point, ! 2-every 2 points, etc ! ISBVAL(50,MAXGRDS): Slab of cross section, (k value for x/y ! cross section) ! IAA(50,MAXGRDS): Number of points to chop off left side ! IAB(50,MAXGRDS): Number of points to chop off right side ! JOA(50,MAXGRDS): Number of points to chop off top ! JOB(50,MAXGRDS): Number of points to chop off of bottom ! PLCONIN(50,MAXGRDS): Contour increment (if zero, is calcualted) ! PLCONLO(50,MAXGRDS): Contour high value(if zero, is calcualted) ! PLCONHI(50,MAXGRDS): Contour low value (if zero, is calcualted) ! NAAVG(50,MAXGRDS): Plot averaged points, averaged naavg in abcissa ! NOAVG(50,MAXGRDS): Plot averaged points, averaged noavg in ordinate ! PLFMT(50,MAXGRDS): Format (8 characters, field of 7) ! PLTIT(50,MAXGRDS): Title other than default to put on plot (a8) ! IPLTYP(50,MAXGRDS): Ncar graphics-'PL', print-'PR', both-'BO' NPLT(1) = 16,FRQPRT(1)=300., ! for various cross-sections (limit of 50) IPLFLD(1,1) = 'W','THETA','RCOND','QZ', 'W','THETA','RCOND','QZ', 'W','THETA','RCOND','QZ', 'W','THETA','RCOND','QZ', PLCONIN(1,1)=0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0., IXSCTN(1,1) = 3,3,3,3, 3,3,3,3, 1,1,1,1, ISBVAL(1,1) = 2,2,2,2, 14,14,14,14, 600,600,600,600, IPLVECT(1,1) =0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, IPLTYP(1,1) = 'PL','PL','PL','PL','PL','PL','PL','PL', 'PL','PL','PL','PL','PL','PL','PL','PL', 'PL','PL','PL','PL','PL','PL','PL','PL', 'PL','PL','PL','PL','PL','PL','PL','PL', !NPLT(1) = 3,FRQPRT(1)=2., ! for various cross-sections (limit of 50) !IPLFLD(1,1) = 'UBAL','VBAL','THBAL','RVBAL', !PLCONIN(1,1) = 0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0., ! IXSCTN(1,1) = 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,3, ! ISBVAL(1,1) = 10,10,10,10,10, $END $VIS ! IVISIA(MAXGRDS): Number of points to chop off left side x ! IVISIB(MAXGRDS): Number of points to chop off right side x ! IVISJA(MAXGRDS): Number of points to chop off left side x ! IVISJB(MAXGRDS): Number of points to chop off right side x ! IVISKA(MAXGRDS): Number of points to chop off left side x ! IVISKB(MAXGRDS): Number of points to chop off right side x ! IVISIAVG(MAXGRDS): Average this number in x direction ! IVISJAVG(MAXGRDS): Average this number in y direction ! IVISKAVG(MAXGRDS): Average this number in z direction ! VISTOP(MAXGRDS): Top of domain vised (km) ! ICNTVISG(MAXGRDS): Method used to find Center of vis domainm ! VOFFSETX(MAXGRDS): X Offset of vis domain from center position ! VOFFSETY(MAXGRDS): Y Offset of vis domain from center position ! New Style Vis filles (IVIS=2) ! IVISNXP(MAXGRDS): Number of x vis points (centered) ! IVISNYP(MAXGRDS): Number of y vis points (centered) ! IVISNZP(MAXGRDS): Number of z vis points (centered) FRQVIS = 12., ! Printout frequencies for each grid NVIS(1) =21, ! number of fields to be visualized (limit of 8) !NOTE IVIS*A AND IVIS*B SHOULD BE DIVISIBLE BY IVIS*AVG IVISFLD(1,1) = 'U','V','W','T','TDK','PRES','PP','THETA', 'THETA E','WTH','WRV','WU','WV','UW','VW', 'RV','RC','TKE','TR1P','PCTLND','RH', IVISIAVG(1)=2, IVISJAVG(1)=2, IVISKAVG(1)=1, VOFFSETX(1)=0., VOFFSETY(1)=0., IVISNXP(1)=800, IVISNYP(1)=120, IVISNZP(1)=69, $END LIST OF PLOT OR VIS VARIABLES Raw Model Variables U V W PIP THETAIL TKE DEN THETA PP PC PRES PSL MSLP SPEED VECTORS U-REL V-REL U-RELU V-RELV PI0 TH0 DN0 P0 UBAL UBALDIF UBAL2-1 VBAL VBALDIF VBAL2-1 THBAL PBAL THBALDIF THBAL2-1 RVBAL RVBALDIF RVBAL2-1 UBAL2 VBAL2 THBAL2 RVBAL2 TOPO TOPO3D ETA ELATT ELONT TOPORAT DXETA DYETA DZETA K1ETA Thermodynamic Variables T TC TF THETA THETA V THETA E TD THVP THVP3D THVVP THVVPK1 THVPX DENVP LI CAPE1 CAPE SHCAPE CAPEOLD SCELL SCELLB SCELLMAX TOTALS SWEAT HELICY BULK LLM FORCE CAPORG HCAPMAX CAPMAX THEMIN WF3000 WM5KM WM510KM WMLFC WFLFC UPPERSHR CONVCAP ZTOLFC CONVTEMP CINHIBIT FREE GP Microphysics quantities RT RR RP RG RS RA RL RI CP CS CR CG RCOND RV RC RH DNT DNV DNC DNR DNP DNG DNS DNA DNL DNI LOG DNL LOG DNI LDNALL DNALL COL CLD PRTEND PSTEND PATEND PPTEND PGTEND PCNTEND PCPTEND PCPR PCPP PCPS PCPG PCPCNV PCPT PCPTOT PCPLIQ PCPICE ECP SO2P NO2P AGIP O3P Derived dynamic quantities QZ QY QX KE F3M F2U F1V HOR RICH PZ PZM PZS PZSS PZSX PZSY PZSZ PZ AD PZ DI PZAVG PZMID PZIL PZIL2 PLAVG U-GEO V-GEO U-AGEO V-AGEO S-AGEO THA-AGEO THE-AGEO W-AGEO SS-AGEO QV CNV QV-PHI QVYP QVXP XGEO YGEO SIGMAS U-THM V-THM VORT-THM NHPP VTAN MZ INR STB1 INR STB DEF2 BVF RICH VKM VKH HKMPCT HKM HKH TKL Surface Layer Derived and Turbulent Flux TG SLM TGF TBOTF TSURF SST TH-SST RV-RSS SFC T SFC TD SFC RV SFC RH SFC U SFC V SFC SPD TSMAX TTSMX TSMIN TTSMN TPKGST NSLTEX ALBEDO RADFLX PCTLND Z0 EQ RD T USTARL USTARW TSTARL TSTARW RSTARL RSTARW UW VW TFZ QFZ KEFZ SFZ WFZ PZFZ PKGST Tendencies of all types! DRIDT1 DRIDT DRLDT DRLDT1 DRLIDT DRCDT DRRDT Q1M Q1M1 THDOTFZ THDOTML QR THDOTCD THDOTEV PXDOTM PYDOTM PZDOTM PLDOTALL PLDOTL PLDOTR PLDOTP PLDOTS PLDOTA PLDOTG PVDOTQ1M PVDOTCD PVDOTEV PVDOTML PVDOTQR DRAG PVDOTDG PVDOTWV PVDOTKM PVDOTQ1K PLDOTKH PVDOTMX PVDOTVT PLDOTVT PVDOTQ1W PVDOTQ1 THDOTS THDOTTOT THDOTRES THDOTADM THDOTWB Q1Q2 MSFX CUMAREA Q1 Q2 Q1S Q2S Q2W Q2K PVDOTTOT PVDOTMS PVDOTQ1S PVDOTS1 THDOTS1 QVDOTS1 PVDOTS PVDOTMOM PVDOTTH NUPHVI SPLVI VDVR VDVP VDVS VDVA VDVG MLSR MLAR VDVC CLCR CLCP CLCG CLRG FRZRAIN SNOW2GR VDVC TG DS VS VG AUTO SCAVEC SCAVSO2 SCAVNO2 SCAVAGI SCAVO3 CONPR CONP CONH CONM FU FV FTHRD MLGR DG Q1K PLDOTI PVDOTFZ PVDOTTR Q1W Q2M NUSDVI Normal Mode Analysis and Balance analysis UBALDN BALDN NBALDN NUBALDN UBALTH BALTH NBALTH NUBALTH UBALPI NBALPI NUBALPI ROS RDNL ROS RADL EQ DEPTH VNTHETA NTHETA NTHVPWV NTHVPWX NTHVPOW NBLDNPW NUBDNPW NBLTHPW NUBTHPW NWPOW NWPWV N PI VN DIV STRMPSI STRMVORT STRMVR STRMWR ROT Z IROT Z PSI Z CHI Z UROT Z UDIV Z VDIV Z VORT3 Z DIVFUV DIV3 Z BALPI N DIV VROT Z NTHVPWXV